Episode 20

Murder of Tony Kuzmanovich

On August 28, 1928, Tony Kuzmanovich closed up his restaurant at 3 am with $800, and headed home with his wife. Ad the couple were headed home, a car came alongside of their car at the corner of 65th and Wisconsin, only a block from their destination. A man yelled for Tony to pull over, which Tony did, and then a sawed-off shot gun was pointed at Tony and his wife.

Assuming he was the target of a robbery, Tony reached for his wallet, but the man with the shotgun likely thought that Tony was pulling a gun when he went for his wallet, so the gunman never even gave Tony a chance. The assailant fired.

For a brief moment Tony clinched his chest, before going limp. Tony was dead.

Nothing was taken, and Tony's wife was left without injury. Who wanted Tony dead?


Note: Audio quality updated 01/06/2022. It is still not to our quality standards, but should allow for a better listening experience.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Milwaukee Mafia
Milwaukee Mafia
Milwaukee had a mafia, and they were no small potatoes.